
Storytelling Tips from Kurt Vonnegut

Going to the #CannesLions is a special task for me. As I am into #storytelling and passionated about it I
want to find great examples for storytelling. But what does "good" mean? So I have to remind me what´s real good storytelling.And who is better to remind me than Kurt Vonnegut. His advise is sharp and smart. So I will look for stories that follow his 7 tips:

1. Find a Subject you Care about.
2. Do not Ramble, Though.
3. Keep it Simple.
4. Have the Guts to Cut.
5. Sound like Yourself.
6. Say What you Mean to Say.
7. Pity the Readers.

Well, sounds like very good advise for a blog post too :-) You want to know more? Check this out at Slideshare: http://de.slideshare.net/powerfulpoint/7-storytelling-tips-from-kurt-vonnegut

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