
Hello #CannesLions

I just arrived at the Cote d´Azur in Cannes and I can´t believe how beautiful the beach, the ocean and the weather is in front of my hotel. I will not see any of these as I am supposed to judget on approximately 1.500 PR entries for the #CannesLions.
The PR, Direct and Promo Jury are the first to arrive at the Martinez hotel and we will meet tonight at the welcome party. Then judging will start tomorrow sharp 8:00 in the morning and last as long as it a takes. And this will be my routine for the next six days. So I arrived pale and I will leave Cannes pale.

I am very much looking forward to meet my judging colleagues from around the world as they come from 19 different countries. You also should know that the jury changes every year, so forget about asking how to win, as every jury judges a little bit different. Just send your best work.
#CannesLions #PR

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